
June 2018

Dusen Dusen is one of our first clients! We originally built the site in 2015 alongside the great designer Elana Schlenker. When clients are receptive to adding easter eggs to their sites, it makes us very happy. So this site is loaded with surprises and silliness.

The client has a number of home page thumbnail styles to pick from, including this boxy layout
The client organizes products into collections which are used to organize the shop page.
Product info page; With some clever hacking, we built lookbook and project info pages into Shopify's backendd.
The cart pops up from the side whenever you add things to the cart.

If you open up the menu and click one of the shapes, you will encounter some easter eggs :)

Browsin' the shop!
Project page! I'm tellin ya, Shopify does not want this to exist!
Get in touch !