Avery Shorts

March 2021

From 2019 to 2020 we worked extensively on Avery Shorts, an email-based publication produced by Columbia Books on Architecture and the City. Avery Shorts comes out in "seasons", and a different designer designs an archive webpage and a matching email template each season. Henry designed season 3 in 2019, and season "0" in 2020.

Season 3 of Avery Shorts! We designed this page, including the graphics and animations.

For season 3, we went full emoji. In trying to draw out letters with emojis and sending them through emails, we ran into a whole host of issues trying to get a consistent look across email clients and devices. I built this tool below for the folks at Avery Shorts to use which generates email-friendly emoji letters or shapes in consistent grids.

And here's Season 0 from 2022!

Season 0 of Avery Shorts. We designed this as well.

If you're still here, consider checking out Henry's essay at the end of Season 3. He wrote about what he learned working in depth with emojis in the world of web and e-mail.

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